This is your baby on Drugs
Finally I got her into the Psychiatrist, Sheila Irick. She was so nice and helpful and listened so well. Cassidy was in a very bad mood during our session so she was able to see just what I mean about her behavior.
It seems like other times that I take her for help she is Angel/Cassidy and it's hard to explain how bad she can be. Her bad mood helped me convince this doctor that she needed medication.
I am so sick of hearing things like, "I wouldn't recommend medication just yet" or "I don't think it's right to give kids medicine." As my mother says, if it was an adult that was behaving like that and acting that upset all the time people would want to help. Medication would be at the top of the list.
Let me tell you...within the last several weeks we have changed her diet about 3 times, tried chelation, vitamins and cod liver oil. Her behavior did not change she just dropped five pounds and looked like a little heroin addict. Everyone has an answer, a miracle cure or a theory of the cause.
I don't care anymore what caused it. I don't believe it is curable. There are a bunch of evil, horrible people out there just dying to take your money, use your child as a science experiment and break your heart.
The more I read about mercury, dairy-free/wheat-free diets, chelation, cod liver oil, vitamins...the more I just want to have a fit of my own. SHUT UP PEOPLE! You are a bunch of horrible liars! It's not curable!
The doctor put her on Seroquel. It is an anti-psychotic medicine. It has improved her sleep 100%. She is in bed by 7-7:30 and sleeps up to 11 hours without waking. Her fits may have improved a little. It will be a while before it is fully effective.
Dr. Irick says she is most partial to Seroquel for autistic children. She has had a lot of experience with autistic kids and says this drug has the least side effects. So far she has had much less trouble with the drugs than the diet.
It seems like other times that I take her for help she is Angel/Cassidy and it's hard to explain how bad she can be. Her bad mood helped me convince this doctor that she needed medication.
I am so sick of hearing things like, "I wouldn't recommend medication just yet" or "I don't think it's right to give kids medicine." As my mother says, if it was an adult that was behaving like that and acting that upset all the time people would want to help. Medication would be at the top of the list.
Let me tell you...within the last several weeks we have changed her diet about 3 times, tried chelation, vitamins and cod liver oil. Her behavior did not change she just dropped five pounds and looked like a little heroin addict. Everyone has an answer, a miracle cure or a theory of the cause.
I don't care anymore what caused it. I don't believe it is curable. There are a bunch of evil, horrible people out there just dying to take your money, use your child as a science experiment and break your heart.
The more I read about mercury, dairy-free/wheat-free diets, chelation, cod liver oil, vitamins...the more I just want to have a fit of my own. SHUT UP PEOPLE! You are a bunch of horrible liars! It's not curable!
The doctor put her on Seroquel. It is an anti-psychotic medicine. It has improved her sleep 100%. She is in bed by 7-7:30 and sleeps up to 11 hours without waking. Her fits may have improved a little. It will be a while before it is fully effective.
Dr. Irick says she is most partial to Seroquel for autistic children. She has had a lot of experience with autistic kids and says this drug has the least side effects. So far she has had much less trouble with the drugs than the diet.