Sugar Free/Wheat Free Diet Bananza!
Also while waiting to see Dr. Irick I started researching insomnia in children. I read that one contributing factor could be sugar or wheat or both. So as an experiment I took her off of all sugar and wheat. I spent time looking up how to make wheat-free chicken nuggets and so forth.
Immediately she seemed better. She went nearly a week without one fit but the insomnia persisted. Then all of a sudden she was having fits again. It was like we had found this great answer and then it was gone.
She lost 5 pounds and was having diarrhea all of the time. We feared it was the Splenda in the diet pops we were allowing her. She often seemed hungry and craved wheat.
We decided to scrap the wheat idea because she doesn't have much anyway but we continued with the sugar free diet. The diarrhea remained and so did the fits. We started cutting back on the Splenda and letting her have small amounts of sugar.
She has gained the weight back. 35 pounds is too light for a five-year-old. She is back up to 40 pounds. I don't think that changing her diet is helping at all. I think it is just upsetting her tummy, which is causing more fits.
Immediately she seemed better. She went nearly a week without one fit but the insomnia persisted. Then all of a sudden she was having fits again. It was like we had found this great answer and then it was gone.
She lost 5 pounds and was having diarrhea all of the time. We feared it was the Splenda in the diet pops we were allowing her. She often seemed hungry and craved wheat.
We decided to scrap the wheat idea because she doesn't have much anyway but we continued with the sugar free diet. The diarrhea remained and so did the fits. We started cutting back on the Splenda and letting her have small amounts of sugar.
She has gained the weight back. 35 pounds is too light for a five-year-old. She is back up to 40 pounds. I don't think that changing her diet is helping at all. I think it is just upsetting her tummy, which is causing more fits.
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